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Bruce Damer’s Vision for the 22nd Century

14. February 2008

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Imagine an L-System forest, a herbivore simulation and a carnivore simulation all developed separately without each having its own graphical front end. Each object in the separate simulations would communicate locally or via the network using some agreed upon protocol. Next, picture one or more 3D front end “view portals” with all the bells & […]

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Interoperability for Virtual Worlds in 2008?

7. January 2008


The emergence of many forms of virtual worlds will be a notable trend in 2008. But Second Life as the largest and most highly developed user generated, 3D immersive world will continue to blaze the trail for the most world changing potential for virtual worlds – collapsing geography. How virtual worlds will change understandings of […]

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If The Metaverse Goes Wrong…..

3. December 2007


If the metaverse goes wrong it’s going to be a “dark world” with only a few points of light, Jamais Cascio said in his talk to Stanford University’s Metaverse Meetup that was also streamed in Second Life. The topic was: The Metaverse — what does it include, where is it going, and how will it […]

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