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ARE is now AWE – Augmented World Expo!

20. December 2012

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I’m really excited that we opened a call for proposals today for Augmented World Expo (registration opens February!).  Our edgy conference on augmented reality has morphed into the world’s first Expo about the augmented world.  If you loved ARE you are going to find Augmented World Expo the most important event of 2013, and if you […]

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Parsing Reality: Shaping Play with Connected Stuff, SXSW 2013

13. August 2012

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RomoDoodleDemo from Romotive on Vimeo. We’ve submitted a panel proposal for SXSW 2013 on a super interesting topic, “Parsing Reality: Shaping Play with Connected Stuff.” The voting opened today so please do vote – go here to vote, if you would like to see us at SXSW 2013! How clouds & atoms are coming together […]

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Augmented Awareness & Reality Games, ARE2012

9. May 2012


Augmented Awareness & Reality Games, ARE2012 View more PowerPoint from Tish Shute ARE2012 is being live streamed this year, and the wrap up fire side chat between Bruce Sterling and Daniel Suarez and a surprise stupid fun grand finale is still to come. We have a live stream this year so you can see for […]

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