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The Archeology and Future of Software Design:
Meeting Grady Booch

28. January 2008


Mirror Worlds will transform the meaning of “computer.” Our dominant metaphor since 1950 or thereabouts, “the electronic brain,” will go by the boards. Instead people will talk about crystal balls, telescopes, stained glass windows, wine, poetry, or whatever – things that make you see vividly. (Mirror Worlds, David Gelertner 1992) As the meaning of “computer” […]

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Interoperability for Virtual Worlds in 2008?

7. January 2008


The emergence of many forms of virtual worlds will be a notable trend in 2008. But Second Life as the largest and most highly developed user generated, 3D immersive world will continue to blaze the trail for the most world changing potential for virtual worlds – collapsing geography. How virtual worlds will change understandings of […]

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A Conversation with Eben Moglen on Second Life

21. December 2007


Recently I met with Eben Moglen, the founder, Director-Counsel and Chairman of the Software Freedom Law Center, and David W. Levine, a researcher at IBM’s Thomas J. Watson Research Center and IBM representative to the Architectural Working Group, for an informal conversation that looked at many of the fundamental social, technological and legal questions of […]

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