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Is it “OMG Finally” for Augmented Reality?: Interview with Robert Rice

17. January 2009


Neogence is on stealth mode with an immersive mobile augmented reality platform – “tools, sdk, and infrastructure plus some applications.” They are probably six months away from YouTubing anything according to CEO, Robert Rice.  But Robert rustled up this pic for me – a Google street view of Neogence R&D labs: “the patio on the […]

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“OpenSource, Interoperable Virtual Worlds” at VW 2008, LA

27. August 2008


OpenSim is designed for interoperability innovation. Adam Frisby explains: By allowing easy customization and extension, we can test and refine interoperability protocols very quickly and efficiently. The interconnect with Second Life (TM) was developed by David Levine, IBM, in only a number of days (David Levine on the right, Adam Frisby, left). Please join us […]

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Tribal One Integrates OpenSim and Facebook

12. August 2008


The video above (see here on YouTube) of an OpenSim integration with Facebook was posted today by Stefan Andersson of Tribal Media also see his blog here. This is the third in a series of videos that introduces Tribal’s new concept for 3D/web integration. The picture above shows the in the left pane fetched pictures […]

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