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Urban Games, Storytelling with Augmented Reality, The Big ARNY, and “Inside AR:” Talking with Thomas Alt, Metaio

27. September 2010


Today Metaio is holding Inside AR in Munich, Germany.   Metaio (the picture above shows Metaio co-founders Thomas Alt and Peter Meier), is behind some of the best known commercial and industrial AR experiences of recent years.  But as important as the many AR projects they have executed are the AR tools that Metaio has made […]

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Urban Augmented Realities and Social Augmentations that Matter: Talking with Bruce Sterling, Part 2

17. September 2010


Social Augmented Experiences leveraging geoawareness and human and machine intelligence to create real time information brokerages, combined with an augmented reality view, can create a new opportunities to reimagine our relationships with each other and our environment. This Summer, I have been on a blogging hiatus, which has meant I haven’t been sharing as frequently […]

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Over 40 AR companies & Qualcomm, Microsoft, Google, Intel, Nvidia, and Nokia coming to Augmented Reality Event: Are Nokia back in AR?

14. May 2010


I have been so busy working on Augmented Reality Event, Jun 2nd, 3rd, Santa Clara, CA, in recent weeks that I have barely had time to post!  But it’s getting hard to contain my excitement about ARE2010.  If you haven’t already seen the sneak preview of the schedule  – see here. Augmented Reality Event will […]

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