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Open Source And Interoperability Will Take Virtual Worlds Mainstream

9. September 2008


OpenSim was in the spotlight at Virtual Worlds Conference and Expo, LA 2008. OpenSim won a conference Innovation Award and the OpenSim booth was a hub of activity. At one time I saw conference attendees from Microsoft, Intel, and IBM all in conversation at the OpenSim table. A video of the OpenSim integration with Lotus […]

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“OpenSource, Interoperable Virtual Worlds” at VW 2008, LA

27. August 2008


OpenSim is designed for interoperability innovation. Adam Frisby explains: By allowing easy customization and extension, we can test and refine interoperability protocols very quickly and efficiently. The interconnect with Second Life (TM) was developed by David Levine, IBM, in only a number of days (David Levine on the right, Adam Frisby, left). Please join us […]

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Will the future of virtual world’s be in the browser? Interview with Avi Bar-Zeev

8. August 2008


So here it is, as promised in my previous post, my interview with Avi Bar-Zeev! Avi is a key virtual world thinker, now with Microsoft, who has put time and energy “into trying to figure out where the real value is with 3D.” Avi was co-founder of Keyhole, maker of Earthviewer (which later became Google […]

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