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Hometown Baghdad on CNN:
Building Bridges Between the World’s Youth

29. April 2007


It was a real thrill to see Hometown Baghdad given a whole segment by CNN yesterday. I loved this close up on the blog including the URL. I know many of Ugotrade readers have followed and supported Hometown Baghdad since before the first webisode was even posted. Some submitted designs for the podcast logo, and […]

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A Perfect Storm for Hometown Baghdad!
And, A Blueprint For Wikimocracy 3.D

4. April 2007


Click to watch an episode on YouTube. The Perfect Storm began with blogs, large and small, everyone from Salon, BoingBoing, Chris Pirillo, Huffington Post, Daily Kos, Doc Searls, to Canadian Shanagans (who was still waiting for his first link) joined the flow of energy. Here are the first 25 blogs to link (taken from technorati) […]

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Hometown Baghdad Launches!

18. March 2007


Click on the picture above to see the first three webisodes! Click on this picture to hear the song! “Hometown Baghdad” premieres March 19th on in the first stage of a launch across multiple distribution outlets. Watching these clips is an incredibly powerful experience. As I watch the videos from Hometown Baghdad, I sense […]

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