Tag Archive | "collaboration in virtual worlds"

Doing Something Useful With Virtual Worlds

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


I have just got back from attending two conferences in the UK, the Head Conference, and Virtual Worlds London.  I was on a mission at both the events to ask questions about how Virtual World technology will answer the call Tim O’Reilly made at the Web 2.0 Expo in New York City to “create more […]

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Cisco CEO, John Chambers, in Second Life:
“The Power of Collaboration”

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


John Chambers, CEO of Cisco, after his Cisco Live keynote, held a question and answer session in Second Life yesterday. It was a packed house and Chambers’ responses to the questions were amongst the most powerful endorsements for the role of virtual worlds in positive global development and our futures that I have heard in […]

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