ETech 2009 was all about making interesting and deeply socially effective technological interventions in the world. And dematerializing products into services seemed to be one of the most powerful concepts elaborated there to accomplish this. Mike Kuniavsky in his presentation, “The dotted-line world, shadows, services, subscriptions,” noted: “There’s great opportunity here to create an ecology […]
Continue reading...Saturday, March 14, 2009
Om Malik just wrote that he was surprised by the number of location-aware mobile services being launched in Austin, Texas, SXSW Festival this year in his post, “SXSW, Location Awareness Is The New Black.” I am not surprised. The Mobile Meet Social, Tech Meetup in New York City in February was abuzz with new location aware […]
Continue reading...Tuesday, March 10, 2009
“Come to ETech; Experiment with Physical Computing and RFIDs” said Brady Forrest. The ETech RFID tag that I activated at registration is a gateway to several internetworked worlds. It allows you to check into pulse stations to tell you about people with similar interests to you based on your traffic movements around the conference. There […]
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Wednesday, March 18, 2009