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Composing Reality and Bringing Games into Life: Talking with Ori Inbar about Mobile Augmented Reality

6. May 2009


Recently, I talked to Ori Inbar (above), formerly senior vice- president at SAP.  Ori is on a mission to make augmented reality commercially successful not in 5, 10, or 15 years, but now. Ori is the founder of Pookatak Games – a video game company, “with a vision to upgrade the way people experience the […]

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Soft Linden on Open Source, Parallel Processing and the 3D Experience in Second Life

7. July 2007


My conversation with Soft Linden (above) on Second Life yesterday ranged from open source as the future of SL, to parallel processing for the SL Client, and much more in between, e.g., becoming a Linden, designing the 3D experience (the stunning modernist work of 3D experience architect Scope Cleaver), and how furry avatars might be […]

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Hometown Baghdad on CNN:
Building Bridges Between the World’s Youth

29. April 2007


It was a real thrill to see Hometown Baghdad given a whole segment by CNN yesterday. I loved this close up on the blog including the URL. I know many of Ugotrade readers have followed and supported Hometown Baghdad since before the first webisode was even posted. Some submitted designs for the podcast logo, and […]

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