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The Game is about the World not Dragons: Talking with Will Wright about Augmented Reality

3. March 2010


“The game is about the world not dragons,” Will Wright, Founder and Chief Executive  Stupid Fun Club, Creator of Spore and The Sims. I had a brief chat with Will Wright after his talk at Engage!, and I was delighted to hear that augmented reality is high on his agenda at the moment: “a lot […]

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Visual Search, Augmented Reality and a Social Commons for the Physical World Platform: Interview with Anselm Hook

17. January 2010


Visual search is heating up, and with it a key stage of turning the physical world into a platform is underway as images become hyperlinks to the world in applications like Google Goggles, Point and Find, and SnapTell – see this post by Katie Boehret.  And while there may be no truly game changing augmented […]

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AR Wave: Layers and Channels of Social Augmented Experiences

13. October 2009


It is now nearly two weeks since the Google Wave preview launch and I am happy to say we have some AR Wave news. The diagram above shows Thomas Wrobel’s basic concept for a distributed, multi-user, open augmented reality framework based on the Google Wave Federation Protocol and servers (click on the image to see […]

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