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Bruce Damer’s Vision for the 22nd Century

14. February 2008

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Imagine an L-System forest, a herbivore simulation and a carnivore simulation all developed separately without each having its own graphical front end. Each object in the separate simulations would communicate locally or via the network using some agreed upon protocol. Next, picture one or more 3D front end “view portals” with all the bells & […]

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The Archeology and Future of Software Design:
Meeting Grady Booch

28. January 2008


Mirror Worlds will transform the meaning of “computer.” Our dominant metaphor since 1950 or thereabouts, “the electronic brain,” will go by the boards. Instead people will talk about crystal balls, telescopes, stained glass windows, wine, poetry, or whatever – things that make you see vividly. (Mirror Worlds, David Gelertner 1992) As the meaning of “computer” […]

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“Exploring Reality in Virtual Worlds” with Piet Hut

15. January 2008


Astrophysicist Piet Hut (Pema Pera in Second Life) has come into virtual worlds to explore questions about reality. Piet’s interest in reality is the question of what reality really is. His exploration starts with scientific insights and moves into the reaches of contemplative traditions and other ways of knowing to ask: “What else is true?” […]

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