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The Game is about the World not Dragons: Talking with Will Wright about Augmented Reality

3. March 2010


“The game is about the world not dragons,” Will Wright, Founder and Chief Executive  Stupid Fun Club, Creator of Spore and The Sims. I had a brief chat with Will Wright after his talk at Engage!, and I was delighted to hear that augmented reality is high on his agenda at the moment: “a lot […]

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The AR Wave Project: An Introduction and FAQ by Thomas Wrobel

4. December 2009


Images  from Mitsuo Iso’s Denno Coil (Click to enlarge), the game “Metroid Prime,” and Terminator. Thomas Wrobel, Sophia Parafina, Joe Lamantia, Matthieu Pierce, and I will lead a  session tomorrow for AR DevCampNYC introducing the AR Wave Project.  Thomas, Joe and Matthieu will be participate via skype (10am to 11.30am EST), and Sophia Parafina and […]

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Web 2.0 Meets Gov 2.0: Hacking Human Behavior within a City, FourSquare, MoMo #13, and AR DevCamp

2. December 2009


Mobile social communication is beginning to take center stage as the internet moves to real time communications. The recent explosion of interest in augmented reality is part of a wider concern to orchestrate a new landscape of contextually relevant information linked to location/place/time and mobile social connectedness. The picture above, “Having an iphone has completely […]

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