At the “nail house:”
China’s First Citizen Reporter

Fri, Mar 30, 2007


Check out what’s going on at “the nail house.” The whole story on Global Voices Online. Here’s how it starts. “But is Zola really China’s first citizen reporter? Big-name bloggers like Herock, Doubleleaf and Zhan Bin say he is. Out of what Zola says is a ’sensitivity to news’ and desire for fame, on Monday afternoon he hopped on the train, arriving in Chongqing two days later. Armed with a Lenovo cellphone and one thousand RMB, Zola is determined to cover the nailhouse story where domestic media currently cannot.

The subheading on Zola’s blog reads (in English) “you never know what you can do till you try”; a March 23rd post which unpacks the meaning behind a meme now making its way around the Chinese blogsphere, ‘vote with your feet’ [用脚投票], and a second post from the same day looking at the nailhouse situation ends with a wager on how many more days the house would remain standing.”

categories: china, Virtual China

2 Comments For This Post

  1. Brown Baron Says:

    This is another great find. I’ll be following his story for sure.

  2. Akua Says:

    I thinkthat what Zola is doing is v ery heroic and brave, but he should be careful of the CHinese authorities and not allow his whereabouts to be known. One can never be too sure. However, I want Zola to know that he should keep being a voice for the voiceless!