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AR Wave: Layers and Channels of Social Augmented Experiences

13. October 2009


It is now nearly two weeks since the Google Wave preview launch and I am happy to say we have some AR Wave news. The diagram above shows Thomas Wrobel’s basic concept for a distributed, multi-user, open augmented reality framework based on the Google Wave Federation Protocol and servers (click on the image to see […]

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Games, Goggles, and Going Hollywood…How AR is Changing the Entertainment Landscape: Talking with Brian Selzer, Ogmento

30. August 2009


Picture on the left Mirrorshades, picture on the right a Metroid Hud. “Augmented Reality is like a Philip K Dick novel torn off its paperback rack and blasted out of iPhones,” Bruce Sterling in Beyond the Beyond “a techno visionary dream come true – those are rare, really rare, you have to be patient,  it’s […]

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Augmented Reality – Bigger than the Web: Second Interview with Robert Rice from Neogence Enterprises

3. August 2009


I first started talking to Robert Rice, CEO of Neogence Enterprises, Chairman of the AR Consortium, in 2008.  Robert was already actively working on creating the world’s first global augmented reality network.  But it took a few months before what Robert had said to me about impending explosion of  augmented reality into our lives really […]

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