Here is the “world premier” of the ARWave demo – also see on youtube here. Below are the slides from our panel: The Next Wave of AR: Exploring Social Augmented Experiences, with Anselm Hook presenting on “10 reasons Why Ar Not a Flash in the Pan,” Jeremy Hight, spoke on “Augmenting the Map,” Sophia Parafina presented on “Citizen Sensor,” and I presented the “ARWave” project. These slides are also posted on the Where 2.0 site. Joe Lamantia was unable to come from Europe due to last minute obstacles, but you can check out his slide deck here. The videos of the Where 2.0 keynotes are up, and I highly recommend watching what went on at this watershed event.
We got so much positive feedback for the ARWave project at Where 2.0 that I am very excited about the next steps, and about our session at WhereCamp tomorrow.
WhereCamp will be at Google, Maxwell Tech Talk and the buzz continues! The latest from WhereCamp is: WE ARE OVER-SUBSCRIBED. HOWEVER PLEASE SIGN UP ANYWAY. THE EVENT TAKES PLACE OVER TWO DAYS. IF WE REALLY HAVE TO TURN PEOPLE AWAY ON SATURDAY YOU CAN STILL COME ON SUNDAY. Hope to see you there!
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April 4th, 2010 at 4:33 pm
[...] here latest post, AR Wave at Where 2.0: Exploring Social Augmented Experiences, I got intimidated by this Ruby on Sails server in her presentation – I hardly know what Ruby [...]
May 3rd, 2010 at 6:32 am
[...] 6. ARWave [...]
January 3rd, 2011 at 7:14 am
[...] notables – AR Wave at Where 2.0 and The Stark HUD 2020 (fake, but makes me [...]